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No need to maintain tests

Test cases written with Maveryx are always resilient, even when your IT department releases new versions

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Write tests even before the app is ready, thus saving masses of time

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Independent <br />

We support hybrid and sustainable teams

With our no-code and low-code interfaces, test cases are written by your domain experts, freeing up the majority of developers

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Software and library combined into one

Have you ever invested in such a comprehensive suite? Maveryx integrates into development and test management tools, maximising pre-existing investments in the test toolchain.

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Maveryx automates end-to-end testing for your web and desktop applications.

This way, you’ll have effective tests (and better software) that don’t need maintenance (reducing costs) and can be written concurrently with the application being tested (shorter time to market).

Wow, Maveryx

No maintenaince required
Test cases written with Maveryx are always valid, even when your IT department releases new versions.

Nobody likes to say it but test case maintenance takes up time and resources. The reason is simple: these days you write test cases based on the application to be tested, the IT team release a new version and the test cases no longer work. Everybody knows it but nobody says it: it’s the elephant in the room in our industry.

Instead, with the Maveryx intelligent engine(1) you write test cases based on tasks (for example, ‘login and access resource X’) and Maveryx will analyze the interface, find the login form and execute the test case, even after the IT team has released yet another version of the application to be tested.

And the elephant in the room gets out of the way 🙂

1 We have an intelligent engine which searches for objects in graphical user interfaces, so, even if the interface changes, you don’t need to write a new test case – the engine, with several algorithms and capable of emulating human behaviour, is our proprietary algorithm; our technology behaves like a senior tester would.

Independent tests – Write tests even before the app is ready, thus saving masses of time.

The application doesn’t need to be already available in order to write tests because the Maveryx intelligent engine will analyze the interfaces based on the tasks to be tested.
So, while IT develops the application, the domain experts write the test cases, working in tandem and saving you time. No, really!

Can the old Record and Replay tools do that? I don’t think so.

Test Development
Test Execution
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0 9 18 27 36 45

We support 80/20, hybrid and sustainable teams
With our no-code and low-code interfaces, test cases are written by all your team members, including domain experts with zero programming knowledge.

This way, you build hybrid teams, in which 80% of members are made up of manual testers and domain experts and the remaining 20% are developers, to whom we give tools to integrate test cases written in no-code and low-code.

Free yourself from compartmentalization and save valuable resources with Maveryx.

Have you ever invested in such a comprehensive suite?

We integrate ourselves into investments you’ve already made, because Maveryx is designed like a real library that you install in your development and management tools.

Comprehensive suites are nice, but that doesn’t mean that they always contain the best and that the proposed working model fits your organization. That is why it’s important to choose freely and always with what’s best for your situation in mind.

With Maveryx we bring our innovation to your system, upgrade now.

How does it work

Desktop Testing

Desktop Testing

With an innovative tool for automating software testing for desktop applications we have pushed all software testing boundaries

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Web testing

Web testing

With Maveryx you can immediately overcome the limitations of web application testing that have long been considered unavoidable

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Writing tests is easy! Choose the interface that you prefer and once you’ve written your tests you won’t need to maintain them, you can leave everything to the Maveryx intelligent engine.



For your automated tests, use basic Excel files with pre-set keywords. Domain experts can write complex test cases, even if they have no programming knowledge

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The drag&drop environment in MBlocky is perfect for testers with some technical expertise to quickly build test cases, thanks in part to the reuse of test blocks

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Maveryx is created by developers for developers: your technicians will therefore feel at home writing tests in a development environment and putting together the simpler tests of their colleagues

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…or, if you’re a developer, write tests however you want:

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Custom services

Software <br>customization


For complete integration in your development applications, just ask our ad hoc integration and customization developers; your software’s life cycle can be more effective and efficient with us

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We rewrite your old test cases

We rewrite your old test cases

Maveryx is so efficient at writing test cases compared to its competitors, it will take you just a few minutes to rewrite them; but if you don’t want to take up your team’s time, delegate the job to us.

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Ad hoc training for your team

Ad hoc training for your team

Maveryx is simple, and your operators are experts. But just know that we have helped customers with complex scenarios take a quantum leap through in-depth, on-the-job training sessions.

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Sandro Quartieri
Sandro Quartieri
Very intuitive tool Pros: The possibility to work in multiple ways, both by writing software code and not. Cons: Maybe some integrations are missing at the moment, but the team is working on implementing them.
Luigi Perillo
Luigi Perillo
An innovative tool Overall: different from all the other test automation ones, very easy to use and to maintain (there’s no need of GUI Maps, Test Object repositories and so on). You just need to focus on writing the test (we used the coded version) and Maveryx will do all the r est Pros: Maveryx’s main advantage is that it helps you and your team save a lot of time, that can be used in other ways such as increasing test coverage or ensuring the quality of the web and desktop application under test. Moreover, as Maveryx automatically recognize UI changes in the application, maintenance effort is minimum. Cons: We do believe that, in order to use Maveryx at its best, a basic knowledge of Java is needed. In fact, even though it is possible to use the codeless version, it won’t allow you to exploit all of Maveryx’s features and functionalities.
Nicolas LOUIS
Nicolas LOUIS
Great tool Overall: I had to implement automatic JAVA GUI testing quickly without spending too much time acquiring knownledge in any language/tool. Maveryx totally fullfiled this assumption. Pros: This product is very simple to install, configure and use. It gives very good results in terms of results (not toom much false alarms). Cons: Unfortunatelly, Maveryx was not compatible with all JAVA GUI.
Seretta Gamba
Seretta Gamba
Innovative, effective and efficient Overall: Having done test automation for almost 20 years, I learned, from painful experience, that the most important feature of good automation is its maintainability. One of the most important steps toward it, is to make sure that any object accessed, or otherwise needed, can be found efficiently and consistently independently from possible changes. When I stopped at Maveryx at a testing conference, I was intrigued by their claim to have solved this problem but was rather sceptical. I had so many questions and, in the end, they gave me the product to test on my own. Yes, it works (unless your developers are not only clever but evil!) and I have also come to believe that they really understand the importance of maintainability: their product is not only about getting automation out fast, it also considers its maintainability. Pros: Thanks to its runtime GUI objects recognition feature, it is possible to reduce the automation development time while improving maintainability Cons: You need time to get used to the new way of thinking
Daniel Amodeo
Daniel Amodeo
Test (is really) simple! Overall: The challenge for Dedalus was to find a tool that could be used quickly and efficiently by the functional users (no tech guys involved) and also a tool that provides a robust framework for the testing of new features. With Maveryx we achieved these goals. Pros: - The "Keywords" approach. Thanks to this feature the tests can be written by functional users instead of tech users. - The extensibility. We created some custom keywords and methods to speed up the on-boarding of different teams according to the different needs. - The Integrations. Very easy to integrate with our CI (Jira & Jenkins). - The Support. A team with real experience and expertise, which supports companies during the preliminary analysis, design and execution. Always available. Cons: - Converting tool missing. If there was one functionality that starting from a registered video, it creates the skeleton for the keywords file, this could have increased the adoption in all of the company.
Francesco Antonacci
Francesco Antonacci
A very good product with ample room for improvement Pros: As far as the product itself is concerned, I will refer only to the method of instrumentation via excel sheet and for websites. One of the strengths is certainly the way in which objects are searched within the DOM, without having to specify how to search. If I'm not mistaken, the headless mode was in the works at the time, so even such a solution would be integrated within any CI/CD pipeline. One word for the support, they have been absolutely competent, available and punctual, as well as the people who assisted us during the POC. Cons: In our opinion, the solution has ample room for improvement, starting perhaps from an excel sheet template in which objects such as actions are "guided" and selectable perhaps by dropdown. This would avoid (at least in part) both making mistakes and having to consult the manual; moreover, it would be useful perhaps to specify the scope of the testing (site, java application, etc ..) in order to filter the objects to be shown.
Carlo Mascolo
Carlo Mascolo
Great for automate your GUI testing Overall: The experience was great, very powerful test automation tool, used to speed up new people in test automation in very little time. Pros: What I like most of Maveryx is mainly the ease of use and the ability to integrate it with our CI pipeline Cons: I would love it if it could support more languages for writing test cases, but what they have is more than enough.